# Weakness effect
maxItemUsesPerDaySingleItem (default = 16, min -1, max 1280): The maximum amount of an item a player can eat before receiving the weakness effect. A value of -1 disables this feature.
maxItemUsesPerDayTotal (default = -1, min -1, max 1280): The maximum of the total amount of items a player can eat before receiving the weakness effect. A value of -1 disables this feature.
weaknessDurationSeconds (default = 45, min 1, max 3600): The duration of the weakness effect in seconds when eating too much of an item.
# Glow effect
glowEntityDurationSeconds (default = 20, min 0, max 3600): When eating glowstone, the duration in seconds of how long entities around should be glowing with an outline. A value of 0 disables the item use.
glowEntitiesAroundAffectedRadiusBlocks (default = 32, min 1, max 128): For the glow effect, the radius in blocks around the player of entities affected.
# Other effects
blazePowderStrengthDurationSeconds (default = 15, min 0, max 3600): After eating blaze powder, the duration in seconds of the strength effect the player receives. A value of 0 disables the item use.
magmaCreamFireResistanceDurationSeconds (default = 15, min 0, max 3600): After eating magma cream, the duration in seconds of the fire resistance effect the player receives. A value of 0 disables the item use.
sugarSpeedDurationSeconds (default = 15, min 0, max 3600): After eating some sugar, the duration in seconds of the speed effect the player receives. A value of 0 disables the item use.