Space Station Resource Pack 1.17 / 1.16

The Space Station resource pack was released in late 2021 by user OwlsCubed. He has several resource packs already released. With past experience of successful packs, the Space Station texture pack was released. Despite what the name would imply, you do not get to play Minecraft in space with this resource pack. What it does is bring some new textures and stylized blocks that will allow you to build your space station in Minecraft. This includes new textures for certain blocks that now look like metallic structures, ventilation systems, new floor tiles, new lighting elements, railways, conveyor belts, new crate textures, etc. There are small elements that have been added to enforce this theme. You can even build lockers or place various blocks that have warning signs or directions, just like you would see in a space station. All these futuristic elements allow you to build new worlds and buildings that are inspired by sci-fi scenes from movies, shows, and cartoons. Despite all these visual changes that are meant to introduce a sci-fi vibe to Minecraft, it still retains the same core identity. It remains a blocky cartoonish game.

This is in part the result of the developer using 16x resolution textures. While they do not add many details, the change in visual style is certainly noticeable. Also, the lower 16x resolution does not cripple older computers meaning that you do not need a monster PC to run Minecraft with the Space Station resource pack installed. Future development is a very important aspect of any resource pack. In the case of the Space Station resource pack, the developer is reasonably active. As the resource pack was released not too long ago, there are still plans to add more improvements. No changes were done to the UI yet but OwlsCubed did share plans to change it so that it fits the sci-fi theme. Also, while the resource pack is 100% complete, the developer has plans to improve certain textures for some blocks. There are also plans to add more variety for blocks and objects in the game. So far, the resource pack adds plenty of new elements such as stylized mobs and player textures but more are expected to come in the future. In terms of visual quality, the resource pack will not knock anyone’s boots off. To improve the visuals without upping the texture resolution, a shader pack can be used. The resource pack has been showcased several times with a blur effect which makes it look better. Keep in mind that a shader pack can hurt your framerate.

Space Station should be compatible with all of these Minecraft versions: 1.17.1 1.17 1.16.5 1.16.4 1.16.3 1.16.2 1.16.1 1.16

to be preinstalled, so be sure to install it.
