Minecraft on its own is a great game. The community was given the freedom and necessary tools to make the game even better. With so many creative minds, dedicated to the game, we got to see some amazing resource packs. The Animal Crossing resource pack is one such example. Despite being inspired by Animal Crossing ew Horizons’ game for the Nintendo Switch, it still oozes creativity. They say that imitation is the greatest compliment and what the Animal Crossing resource pack manages to achieve is a true homage to the game. The texture pack changes several aspects of Minecraft. Textures are the first change that can be observed immediately. Minecraft received a more cartoonish look that is inspired by the game. The developers used a similar color palette but that was not enough to replicate the vibe of Animal Crossing. To replicate the visuals, more solid colors were used in textures. Despite being a 32x resource pack, thus having double the resolution of vanilla Minecraft for textures, it preserves the same blocky identity of the game. The solid and vibrant colors used on textures are the key elements that make the visuals similar to the game. Snow is much more fluid and uniform. The grass is greener and the flowers have more intense colors. The resource pack introduces 7 new flower types. There are new textures for the crafting bench, new chests, clearer glass, new textures for coconuts, oranges, peaches, and many more. Being a resource pack that is inspired by Animal Crossing lead the original developer to remove meats from the game.
They were replaced by various types of fruits that can be crafted into different types of pies. An interesting change is how mobs work. Animals are now piñatas. When a player slays an animal, it will drop different types of fruits. The Animal Crossing resource pack also introduces some new decorative items. The developer added paintings. To match the atmosphere of the game new music and sounds were added. All these changes are complemented by a redesigned GUI. The inventory is easier to manage and all the icons simply look much better. Another change introduced by the Animal Crossing texture pack is the villagers. They received new textures and their dialog frequency has been reduced. Also, the water textures have been improved and with the right shader, bodies of water look much better and have gorgeous reflections. Improving water is complemented by new textures for the sky. The clouds look much better, almost photorealistic. They are much smoother and have no more pixelation that would usually make them look blocky. As some of the changes that the Animal Crossing resource pack look better with a shader pack installed, game performance may be affected. Shaders can be demanding, especially for old computers. Since the resource pack changes sky textures, it requires installation via Optifine. Optifine tool have special features that enable these changes in Minecraft. The resource pack itself is still a work in progress. The developer has released several updates for it already.
Animal Crossing! should be compatible with all of these Minecraft versions: 1.16.5 – 1.16.4 – 1.16.3 – 1.16.2 – 1.16.1 – 1.16 – 1.15.2 – 1.15.1 – 1.15
to be preinstalled, so be sure to install it.