Bare Bones 16x PvP Texture Pack 1.8.9 is a pack which was brought to existence due to a high demand from the fans of the original.
This pack takes and modifies the default resource packs of Minecraft and turns them into an awesome combination of performance and great visuals.
It mostly features all of the same retextures that you get from the base pack plus more as it adds more PvP centered features to it.
What is Bare Bones 16x PvP Texture Pack 1.8.9
When people got the feel of how awesome Bare Bones Resource Pack was in terms of overall aesthetic enhancements they immediately fell in love with it’s vibes.
After a while some fans started discussing in forums about how great it would be to have a PvP revamp for Bare Bones. As an active pack maker, robotpant gave his fans what they deserved.
A PvP centered revamp of Bare Bones was created complete with all of the features and characteristics of any ideal PvP Resource Pack.
This includes short swords, low fire, bow indicators and more. It was also more optimized so that the file size would decrease to make it more FPS friendly.
Is PvP Bare Bones 16×16 Worth the Download
This 16x resource pack is filled with awesome textures and nice visuals. It isn’t like your conventional PvP pack which only changes the player versus player related items.
It also changes the textures of and resources of blocks, models, entities and even particles. Although this variant of Bare Bones is more centered on PvP it still retains the awesome vibes that made people fall in love with the original one.
It is highly recommended to download and install 1.8.9 Optifine first before using this pack to ensure that you get full compatibility and can enjoy all of the benefits that this pack can give.
Bare Bones PvP Texture Pack Preview
How to Download Bare Bones 16x Bedwars PvP:
Step 1: How to Download from Minecraft-Resourcepacks.com
Bloodx 16x 1.8.9 is very easy to install. Just follow these simple steps.
If this is your first time downloading from our site, rest assured downloading from minecraft-resourcepacks is safe. Before downloading review the basics of how to download a pack here.
Step 2: Download Optifine
Before attempting to download and install, you need to have Optifine to ensure the texture pack will run properly.
Step 3: Download Texture Pack
To start, download the zip file from the link below. Place the zip file into your Minecraft Resource Pack folder.
To find the folder easily, go to Minecraft’s options menu and navigate to resource packs>open resource pack folder. Alternatively, use the table below to see which file directory your folder is stored in.
File Locations of Minecraft Resource Packs Folder: |
%APPDATA%.minecraft |
~/Library/Application Support/minecraft |
~/.minecraft |
With the resource pack folder open, place the zip file inside. Finally, activate the texture pack in-game via Minecraft’s resource pack menu on the game menu.
Bare Bones 16x PvP Texture Pack 1.8.9 Download
Below you can see legit downloads for Minecraft texture pack named Bare Bones 16x PvP Texture Pack 1.8.9. Click on the button to download now.
You can download classic packs like War V2, Dynamic Duo and TimeDeo 2K straight from our servers and not need to worry about any fees or payments.
If that is not enough for you we have also compiled a list of the best PvP Texture Packs for Minecraft which you can also download all for free.
As a hardcore Minecraft PvP enthusiast you might be also interested in looking at our wide gallery of Minecraft 1.8.9 PvP texture packs and Minecraft 1.12.2 PvP Texture Packs.