Compliance 64x resource pack tasks itself with improving the environment visuals and overall details in Minecraft. To achieve this, the developer opted for a hike in texture resolution. As the name states, the resolution of the textures is 64x which is 4 times the normal 16x in vanilla Minecraft. The direct result is more details on the same block. Also, the details on each block appear smaller thus more can be crammed into the same block which in turn improves the visuals in the entire world of Minecraft. It allows you to create worlds, castles, dungeons, and landscapes that are filled with details, making them visually stunning when compared to vanilla. For some, the Compliance 64x texture pack may seem familiar. The project was originally released under the name Faithful 64x but the team behind it parted ways. To push the project forward, the remaining team members continued the work and renamed it to Compliance 64x. The resource pack touches upon many aspects of the game but still preserves the same visual style as in vanilla. Many of the textures existing in the game have been preserved but the resolution was cranked up. Many textures were tweaked such as the ones for grass, coarse dirt, Andesite, Blackstone, bricks, stone, all ore blocks, and many more.
There are also a few new blocks such as the sponge, lodestone, jungle trapdoor, and several others. All these texture upgrades make the world in Minecraft appear much crisper. Blocks are easier to tell apart even in low light and the whole world appears more vibrant by keeping everything blocky while reducing pixelation. In simple words, the Compliance 64x is a much better-looking vanilla version of the game. The upscale texture resolution is visible in every aspect of the game, not just blocks. Leaves and grass are less pixelated. The same goes for weapons and armor. The interface of the game has not been toyed around with and remained the same. What can be noticed is better water textures. As the Compliance 64x resource pack uses 64x texture resolution, vanilla Minecraft players will notice a degradation in terms of framerates. The good news is that the resource pack is available for Bedrock Edition. This expands its availability to Windows 10, Android, and iOS users as well as the Java Edition of the game. To install the resource pack, Optifine is recommended.
Compliance 64x should be compatible with all of these Minecraft versions: 1.17.1 – 1.17 – 1.16.5 – 1.16.4 – 1.16.3 – 1.16.2 – 1.16.1 – 1.16 – 1.15.2 – 1.15.1 – 1.15 – 1.14.4 – 1.14.3 – 1.14.2 – 1.14 – 1.13.2 – 1.13.1 – 1.13 – 1.12.2 – 1.12 – Bedrock Edition – PE
to be preinstalled, so be sure to install it.