Equanimity Resource Pack for Minecraft 1.19/1.18.2/1.17.1/1.16.5/1.15.2

It’s always kind of amazing when someone manages to implement 3D models and textures in Minecraft without using textures which are so bloated in a resolution that very few players can actually render them with their current computers. The Equanimity resource pack is one of these amazing packs and it manages to make almost every texture in Minecraft look bright, bolder and simply better while only making a small leap from 16x to 32x resolution. It’s not like some other 32x packs where only a few blocks look good and everything else is trashy either – everything looks good here.





Because the textures were kept to a rate of about 12 new textures produced per hour per day, several minutes went into each. That might not sound like a lot, but when you consider there are about 1,000 unique blocks, items, icons and textures in Minecraft, it’s plain to see this is a project that took many months to complete. The Equanimity resource pack is finished too, and that’s just another good point for the pack. Because you don’t need to hold your breath waiting for any new updates and most of the bugs have been ironed out already, this is a very safe, very reliable resource pack option.





If you play with the Equanimity resource pack for just an hour or so, you’ll find for yourself that every texture in Minecraft gets a facelift thanks to the pack. Even things which usually get ignored, such as the different art images you can plaster onto walls, all get upgrades or at least updates. Some of that old art was pretty cool after all. The textures look realistic too, especially when rendered using a decent shader pack, though Equanimity still looks good without it.

Installing Guide for Equanimity Resource Pack

  1. Download the pack, you must get a zip file with the texture pack.
  2. Just move zip file in the following location:
    • %appdata%\.minecraft\resourcepacks for Windows users
    • ~/.minecraft/resourcepacks for Linux users
    • ~/Library/Application Support/minecraft/resourcepacks for Mac OS X users

Download Equanimity Resource Pack

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