Is Minecraft already starting to feel plain for you? That’s surprising since the games have a lot in store for players. Nevertheless, what you feel is understandable. Simple animations will make you feel bored eventually. And this is something that Minecraft obviously has. Well, what do you know? That’s not the case anymore. The Fresh Animations resource pack is here to rekindle your love for Minecraft once again! Fresh Animations is phenomenal. It makes Minecraft like a whole new game. But why? Keep reading and allow us to share what we know about it. The Fresh Animations texture pack is an update for Minecraft from FreshLX. The purpose of making this falls nothing short of being simple – improving the animations for the mobs. Before this resource pack, the movements of mobs look very jerky and are limited to predictable forward, sideward, and backward movements. With the Fresh Animations pack downloaded and installed, Minecraft becomes a whole new game. Mobs have smarter behaviors since they can now turn around, run or walk without looking jerky, jump, and execute other complex movements. Fresh Animations is still in the beta phase so expect that there’s a lot more coming. At present, it has three available versions. Version 1.0 provides new animations to villager, iron golem, witch, vindicator, evoker, pillager, and ravager mobs. The creeper, zombie, husk, zombie villager, skeleton, wither skeleton, and illusion enjoy new animations with Version 1.1. Download version 1.2 to get new animations for pig, wandering trader, phantom, and blaze.
Minecraft dungeons and Minecraft trailers were the inspiration for the current and future animations, as per the words of the creator. That’s why you might want to watch these again if you want to get an idea of the exciting features cooking up. So, which is better? Vanilla Minecraft or Fresh Animations? Vanilla Minecraft doesn’t stand a chance against Fresh Animations if we talk about animation. As said earlier, Fresh Animations makes the mobs move smarter. This is something that the predictable and jerky animations of Vanilla Minecraft can’t contest. But in terms of texture and graphics, nothing’s really the same. With that being said, don’t expect this resource pack to make Minecraft compare to highly defined computer games. Fresh Animations doesn’t alter the core gameplay. That being said, don’t expect new mechanics from it. No need to worry because it only makes Minecraft feel like a whole new game without altering the features that make it unique from other games. The Fresh Animations Resource pack isn’t demanding on the computer system. With that said, you don’t have to upgrade your gaming PC to enjoy it. However, you will need to install the Optifine game utility for Minecraft. Fresh Animations Resource Pack works with Optifine’s Custom Entities and Random Entity. To save yourself from the hassle of downloading twice, opt to download Optifine-HDU-G8 because older versions might not work with Fresh Animations version 1.2.
Fresh Animations should be compatible with all of these Minecraft versions: 1.17.1 – 1.17 – 1.16.5 – 1.16.4 – 1.16.3 – 1.16.2 – 1.16.1 – 1.16 – 1.15.2 – 1.15.1 – 1.15
to be preinstalled, so be sure to install it.