The SimonKraft resource pack managed to change vanilla Minecraft for the better with its astonishing visuals, making the whole game feel more alive. When players are looking for texture packs to try, they are usually looking for a visual upgrade. Some resource packs do it better than others. SimonKraft is the perfect resource pack that removes sloppy textures and swaps them with improved ones that are easier on the whiles while making the color palette much brighter. The SimonKraft resource packs greatest achievement is the reduction of noise and scatter in textures. To achieve a cleaner look, the resource pack upscales the resolution of the textures to 128x. At 128x, the textures look less pixelated and the whole world seems blocky. However, upscaling the textures is not enough to make Minecraft appear visually stunning. Many textures were changed and improved with the SimonKraft. According to the developer, 80% of the default textures have been changed or upgraded in one way or another. The textures that have been changed are much more detailed. There are new textures for ores, wood, sand, gravel, bricks, stone, and many more. There are also new textures for pavements, windows, trees, grass, plants, water, crops, bookshelves, crates, floor tiles, etc.
Beyond the improved textures, the SimonKraft resource pack also touches upon the player HUD and GUI. Item icons have been upscaled and the interface is much crisper and more colorful. Sky and water textures have also been upgraded to appear more in line with the overall creative direction of SimonKraft. Many of the visual changes in the SimonKraft resource pack resemble old anime aesthetics. This is because the developer of the resource pack, SiMonko, sought inspiration in the artwork of Studio Ghibli. Studio Ghibli is a well-established Japanese studio that creates animations out of the headquarters in Tokyo. Released in 2020, the resource pack already received tens of thousands of downloads thanks to its level of creativity and attention to detail. While there is no official recommendation for a particular shader, it would be worthwhile to experiment with different ones. Having the higher 128x resolution and a shader pack will certainly affect frame rates and will require a powerful system to run properly. The SimonKraft resource pack is hardware demanding and may not be ideal for PvP since PvP resource packs should offer high frame rates to reduce input lag.
SimonKraft should be compatible with all of these Minecraft versions: 1.17.1 – 1.17 – 1.16.5 – 1.16.4 – 1.16.3 – 1.16.2 – 1.16.1 – 1.16 – 1.15.2 – 1.15.1 – 1.15 – Bedrock Edition – PE
to be preinstalled, so be sure to install it.