Named Areas Mod 1.17.1/1.16.5 (Name Your Area)

__sendChatMessages (default = false):
When enabled, sends the player the area notifications in chat.
__showHUDMessages (default = true):
When enabled, sends the player the area notifications in the HUD on screen.

_HUDOnlyAreaName (default = false):
When enabled, only shows the areaname in the HUD. When disabled, the prefixes and suffices will also be used.
_HUDMessageFadeDelayMs (default = 3500, min 100, max 360000):
The delay in ms after which the HUD message should fade out.
_HUDMessageHeightOffset (default = 10, min 0, max 3000):
The vertical offset (y coord) for the HUD message. This determines how far down the message should be on the screen. Can be changed to prevent GUIs from overlapping.

_HUD_RGB_R (default = 100, min 0, max 255):
The red RGB value for the HUD message.
_HUD_RGB_G (default = 200, min 0, max 255):
The green RGB value for the HUD message.
_HUD_RGB_B (default = 50, min 0, max 255):
The blue RGB value for the HUD message.

joinPrefix (default = “Entering “):
The prefix of the message whenever a player enters an area.
joinSuffix (default = “.”):
The suffix of the message whenever a player enters an area.
leavePrefix (default = “Leaving “):
The prefix of the message whenever a player leaves an area.
leaveSuffix (default = “.”):
The suffix of the message whenever a player leaves an area.

 (default = “Entering a biome named “):
The prefix of the message whenever a player enters a named biome area.
biomeJoinSuffix (default = “.”):
The suffix of the message whenever a player enters a named biome area.
biomeLeavePrefix (default = “Leaving a biome named “):
The prefix of the message whenever a player leaves a named biome area.
biomeLeaveSuffix (default = “.”):
The suffix of the message whenever a player leaves a named biome area.
