WorldEdit Mod for Minecraft 1.17.1/1.16.5/1.15.2/1.14.4

WorldEdit Mod is a utility that you’re absolutely going to love if you frequently modify Minecraft maps or are simply interested in tinkering out with a map that’s already been made. There have been similar mods out there before, but WorldEdit is definitely head and shoulders above other similar releases because it adds a whole new level of convenience that makes the whole process of editing maps an absolute breeze and it also turns it into something that you can do without needing any large amounts of practice or experience. The best part about it is that it doesn’t have any conflicts with other mods either so it’ll run seamlessly without any issues.





Onto the actual features of WorldEdit Mod, one of the biggest features that it adds is the ability to modify a group of thousands of blocks in a few simple clicks. Normally, when you’re dealing with a large amount of blocks, you need to go through a really tedious process in order to replace or remove them but with this mod that won’t be the case since you can perform the whole task in a matter of seconds. You can also quickly draw various kinds of shapes that you can implement into the map.

If you’re feeling artistic, then the WorldEdit utility can also be used to carve out mountains and such thanks to the very useful brush tool that comes with it. The mod also allows you to frequently backup your progress so if you ever end up messing something up, then you can restore an old backup without any issues and resume your editing. The mod works on both single player as well as on a server, and it doesn’t have any adverse effects on the load times either which is definitely something that players will appreciate.

How to install WorldEdit Mod?

  1. First, install Minecraft Forge.
  2. Download WorldEdit and put the file into your “mods” folder.
  3. Run your game or server!

Quick tutorial: Once you download and install WorldEdit, enter a creative world and type //wand. Left click one block, right click a different one, and then type //set glass. You can learn more on the WorldEdit wiki.
